Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Purpose of This Privacy Policy

Jot and Journal respects your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding your personal data. This policy outlines how we handle your information when you visit our website, explaining your privacy rights and legal protection.

Important Information and Who We Are

Purpose of This Privacy Policy

This policy aims to inform you about how Jot and Journal collects and processes your personal data through our website, especially during product purchases. Our website is not intended for children, and we do not knowingly collect data related to children.

Contact Details

If you have privacy-related questions, contact us:

  • Full name of legal entity: Jot and Journal Limited
  • Email address:

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK regulator for data protection, before approaching them, please reach out to us.

We Collect the Following Types of Information

Information You Provide Directly: When you register via email, we collect your full name, password, and email address.

Technical Information We Collect: Usage of our website or software may result in collecting technical information like IP address, device identifier, metadata, operating system, browser details, and more. Third-party analytics tools help us understand overall usage patterns, contributing to service improvement.

Feedback and Communication: We may seek information through feedback, emails, or support inquiries, involving personal opinions and details.

How We Use Your Information

We may use the received information to:

  • Facilitate efficient access and sign-in processes
  • Personalise content, including online ads and marketing
  • Improve, test, and monitor service effectiveness
  • Develop new products and features
  • Monitor metrics and diagnose technology issues
  • Automatically update our application on your device

For a detailed description of how we use your personal data, please refer to the section below.

Purpose of Using Your Information

  1. To register you as a new customer
  2. To process and deliver your order, including managing payments and recovering owed money
  3. To manage our relationship with you, notify you of changes, and request reviews or surveys
  4. To enable participation in a prize draw, competition, or survey
  5. To administer and protect our business, troubleshoot, analyze data, support, and host data
  6. To deliver relevant website content and advertisements, measure ad effectiveness
  7. To use data analytics to improve our website, products, marketing, and customer experiences
  8. To make suggestions and recommendations about goods or services


We provide choices regarding personal data use for marketing and advertising. You may receive promotional offers based on your identity, contact, technical, usage, and profile data. Opt-out options are available, and we seek explicit consent before sharing personal data with third parties for marketing.


You can set your browser to manage cookies, but note that disabling cookies may affect website functionality.

Change of Purpose

Personal data is used for the intended purpose, and any changes will be communicated or explained.

Sharing of Your Information

We do not rent or sell your information. Sharing may occur for service improvement, under confidentiality terms, or through anonymised, aggregated data. Information may be disclosed by law or to protect rights, prevent misuse, or address illegal activity.

How We Store Your Information

We employ reasonable precautions for secure storage. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security. You are responsible for maintaining password secrecy. Termination of your account may retain information for a reasonable time.

Children's Privacy 

We do not knowingly collect data from children under 13. If such data is inadvertently collected, we promptly delete it.

Other Websites and Services

We are not responsible for the practices of linked websites or services. Third-party websites are subject to their policies, and you use them at your own risk.

Your Data Protection Rights

Residents of the EEA or the UK have various data protection rights, including access, correction, deletion, objection, and portability. Opting out of marketing is possible at any time.


For questions about this policy or the service, contact us at

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

This policy may be modified periodically, and your continued use constitutes acceptance of changes.